Performance Appraisal and Individual Potential Management

Have you ever experienced this?

You have promoted the best salesman in your team to Sales Supervisor position. But as a result he turned out to be a bad Supervisor and you have also lost  a good seller.

This happens more often than you think.
The reason is that companies often promote people based on their current
performance, without considering the potential for people to serve in positions
of greater complexity. And the current performance of the people in charge can be measured by applying different models of performance management, based on quantitative and/or qualitative variables. In turn, the potential applied as the current capacity of the people ( C.A.C. ) of the acronym Current Applied Capability , it can also be established by measuring the complexity of the information that people are able to process.
The latter is observable, for example, and skills can be measured by checking
behaviors associated with them ; the C.A.C. It can be established by observation of
mental processes that the person is able to perform.

Mental processes ordered  of increasing complexity :

  1. Concrete Verbal
  2. Symbolic Verbal Representation
  3. Abstract Conceptual
  4. Universals Ideas

Fuente: Jaques & Cason